OXERRA J4865 Synthetic Van Dyke Brown

Synthetic Van Dyke Brown J4865 is a blend of natural umber and synthetic iron oxide that has been processed for color predictability and micronized for ease of dispersion. Natural Van Dyke Brown is a processed, mostly organic peat, coal or lignite based pigment with unique tone and shade properties. J4865 is a blend of inorganic pigments formulated to approximate the unique tone and shade properties of natural Van Dyke Brown, but with improved stability, durability and consistency. Visual and spectrophotometer tests are conducted on each lot to maximize consistency and quality. The resulting pigment produces deep, rich brown shades with complex undertones in wood stain applications. Synthetic Van Dyke Brown J4865 is also used in medium-gloss coatings, artist paints, coatings processed on intensive dispersing equipment, liquid colorants, paper and plaster applications. In addition, it meets ASTM C979-82 standards and therefore is suitable to color products made with cement. It is stable under exposure to sunlight and UV radiation and is alkali, chemical and weather resistant. Standard package is 50 pound multiwall paper bags. Uses: wood stain, paint, colorants, adhesives, ink.

Pigment Properties

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Color Group

Color Index


Heat Stability

Manufacturing Type




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Product Sample